Lives that Matter

Seems like there is a lot of attention when a member of the police or law enforcement screw up. That makes perfect sense. We should hold those individuals and organizations to the highest standards possible. They should be held accountable. HOWEVER, there seems to be little or no outrage or accountability when people of all races and all ages are senselessly killed by criminals, drug cartels, gangs, or other nefarious characters. Where are the protests and demonstrations for lives that matter everyday? Society doesn’t truly want change. The only thing that is happening is race baiting and the underbelly of society taking advantage to create havoc and chaos. If society wanted to change for the better, the church would be outraged by the violence and killings, the social conscience would recognize addiction and homelessness as a disease that no one desires, schools would focus on helping young people better themselves instead of using the young as pawns to get “more” funding. Until we face the reality that lives of every color don’t matter to society as a whole, we will never get out of the endless cycle of violence, class segregation, and civil unrest. It doesn’t matter who is in political power.